Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fear + No Rules = Chaos!

Today's blog is about themes. Theme is the author's message.

Fear is one of the themes of Lord of the Flies by William Golding. The characters, British schoolboys, got out of control when they were scared and they did things they normally would not do, such as murder another boy. In the beginning of the book, they were afraid of the scary animal noises, darkness, and “the beast”, which is a mysterious ape-like creature. In the end of the book they were afraid of each other and death.

This passage illustrates the fear of the beast:
“He handed the conch to Eric, the nearest of the twins. ‘We’ve seen the beast with our own eyes. No-we weren’t asleep-’
“Sam took up the story. By custom now one conch did for both twins, for their substantial unity was recognized.
“ ‘It was furry. There was something moving behind its head-wings. The beast moved too-’
“ ‘That was awful. It kind of sat up-’
“ ‘The fire was bright-’
“ ‘We’d just made it up-’
“ ‘-more sticks on-’
“ ‘There were eyes-’
“ ‘Teeth-’
“ ‘Claws-’
“ ‘We ran as fast as we could-’
“ ‘Bashed into things-’
“ ‘The beast followed us-’
“ ‘I saw it slinking behind the trees-’
“ ‘Nearly touched me-’
“Ralph pointed fearfully at Eric’s face, which was striped with scars where the bushes had torn him.
“ ‘How did you do that?’
“Eric felt his face.
“ ‘I’m all rough. Am I bleeding?’ ” (Page 100)

Rules are another theme since there were no rules or grownups to guide them, they did whatever they wanted. There was no jail, there was no timeout, no detention.
“The fair boy began to pick his way as casually as possible toward the water. He tried to be offhand and not too obviously uninterested, but the fat boy hurried after him.
“ ‘Aren’t there any grownups at all?’
“ ‘I don’t think so.’
“The fair boy said this solemnly; but then the delight of a realized ambition overcame him. In the middle of the scar he stood on his head and grinned at the reversed fat boy.
“ ‘No grownups!’ ” (Page 8)
With rules, people are forced to make good choices or they get a consequence. In the book, there were no consequences for hurting someone. At the end of the book, the only person who followed the rules, Ralph, was rescued. The others, who were trying to kill Ralph, did not get rescued.

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